Our ARP solutions for
public sector
Towns and municipalities? Bring collaborators together with an all-in-one tool
for more efficient administration management.
With the ARP (Administration Ressource Planning) created by Noviat, towns and municipalities can now
better manage the internal organization of their administration thanks to
an integrated approach and an easy-to-use tool.

All in one place.
The use of a single, centralized environment by all members of the administration eliminates cross-communication and data replication problems. File sharing is simple, and you can track the progress of a project or file step by step.
Clear, simple, and
accurate accounting.
Looking for simple and efficient accounting and financial solutions ?
Did you know that Noviat developed an accounting module for Odoo as well as the Cashpooling treasury management module?

Already partner in major
Since 2013, Noviat has excelled in the administration of large towns and municipalities such as
Liège, and the municipalities of Ixelles and Schaerbeek in Brussels, for the integration of ERP
in several areas of the public sector.

You are not alone !
With Noviat, you benefit from a proactive team that supports you
on a daily basis by chat, email, phone...